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2022 Recap & Upcoming Meeting

What a busy year it has been! We’re so proud of what we accomplished. Here's a quick summary of relevant highlights from the year:

  • We hosted three public events, including our much-loved anniversary party. (Link here)

  • We issued endorsements in four elections. (Link here)

  • We held nine member meetings and endorsement forums and welcomed several candidates, elected officials, and special guests.

Thank you to our members for your continued engagement and everyone who participated in making this a productive year.

And we still have the upcoming meeting on Tuesday, December 13 for members to debrief, plus a special guest from the San Francisco Climate Emergency Coalition to discuss the city’s environmental goals.


Last member meeting of 2022

  • When: Tuesday, December 13, 6-7:30pm

  • Where: Valley Tavern

  • Who: All members! Plus a special guest

  • What: Casual conversation and an informal presentation organized by Club member Susan Green about the goals of the City's Climate Action Plan (CAP), why it's important, and what it will take to fund and implement it in the coming years


November Election Recap

We'd like to congratulate Rafael Mandelman on winning his election to remain our D8 representative on the Board of Supervisors!

Here is a thread on how the Club's endorsements fared against the final results:

So we know the last election results, but what about how Noe Valley voted compared to the rest of the city? See below for some interesting stats:

First of all, Noe remains one of the highest turnout neighborhoods, with 75% voting. Castro is still the highest turnout neighborhood, and Glen Park squeaked past Noe this time around.

For the BOE, the three winners (Weissman-Ward, Motamedi, Fisher) outperformed in Noe by 1-2% points.

For DA—despite voting against the Chesa recall by a large margin—Brooke Jenkins outperformed and grabbed the largest share of 1st votes.

For D8, Noe Valley resident Kate Stoia got 2% points from the ’hood compared to the rest of D8.

Despite its NIMBY rep, Noe voted in favor of Prop D. And maybe it's how much we love Slow Sanchez, but we voted for Prop J (car-free JFK) by a huge margin.


In Memoriam

We'd like to take a moment to honor Peter Gabel, who passed away this past October. He was a longtime and very active member of this club, and we are deeply saddened by his loss. When we reestablished the club, we made it our goal to create a space where productive discussions would be held on substantive issues. Where we know we might not agree--but would be willing to hear each other out. Peter was a shining example of this approach.


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